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Charter Review Commission

​​​​Charlotte County is a 首页 Rule Charter 政府ernment. Every six years, the County is required by law to review its charter. At the March 23, 2021 regular board meeting, the Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners selected the 15 regular and 3 alternate members from the many applicants.


Charter Review Commission

2021-2022 Charter Review Commission Members

  • William C. Abbatematteo
  • Patricia W. 哦
  • Jeffrey K. Anlauf
  • 唐娜L. 巴雷特
  • Cherie A. Burnette
  • William J. Dryburgh
  • Rob Humpel
  • Donald McCormick
  • Theresa A. 默撒
  • 唐娜C. Peterman
  • Richard J. 建立
  • Adam James Riley
  • William B. 谢弗
  • 西里尔F. 施拉格
  • Bob White
  • Suzanne Graham, 1st Alternate
  • James Coalwell, 2nd Alternate

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